A relatively new player in the delivery of hot water to home and business owners across Adelaide. Using Japanese technology Thermann have quickly grown a reputation for being a reliable and energy efficient option when it comes time to considering upgrading your properties water heating system.
The products availability and after sales hot water services for Adelaide are strong points which are giving consumer confidence in the market. We also have a review of Thermann systems here.
What Are My Options When Choosing A New Water Heater?
The Thermann range of water heating equipment comes in multiple fuel sources depending on your needs and what infrastructure you may have access to. This manufacturer also caters to various demands with a variety of sizes on offer. You will see below a detailed explanation of what is on offer when selecting from the Thermann brand:
Gas Continuous Flow (Also Known As: Instantaneous Gas Hot Water / Tankless Water Heater):
Starting at 16 litres per minute of hot water delivery (suited to 1 and 2-bedroom units apartments, small shops and kitchenettes) mid-range at 20 litres per minute (suited to small homes) and at the top of the range 26 litres per minute (suited to large homes and businesses with a high demand for hot water).
This form of water heating equipment comes in 5-star rated units through to a newly introduced product offering 7-star energy ratings. Temperature control pads can be added for further energy efficiency and adding an increased safety feature eliminating any chance of scalding. Another added benefit of controllers is that during servicing it allows our technicians to check the past operation of the system and identify any faults and explain to the customer what components my need future attention.
Evacuated Tube Solar:
Why not tap into some free energy? With the use of the evacuated tube system it allows you to harness the energy from the sun allowing you to heat you water. There are two options which you can pair your evacuated tube system with for additional boosting of the temperature during cooler periods.
Either gas boosted or electric boosted either options can be paired with your evacuated tubes. Like solar panels the evacuated tubes come in 3 different size options: 22 tubes, 30 tubes and 44 tubes designed to cater for your requirements.
Electric Storage Tank:
Offering conventional heating of water which many businesses and homes are still using is the storage cylinder. Size wise there are 6 options available with single electric element and thermostat. Starting at 80L (very common for small businesses and 1-bathroom units) then moving into the mid-range offering 125L, 160L for house holds or businesses which have a low demand for hot water.
Probably the most common sized water heater you will see installed inside or outside a building is the 250L model and this like the other larger heaters in the Thermann range such as 315L and 400L can be wired up to receive J tariff electricity so the tank only heats at night during periods where the electricity
is offered to a building at a cheaper rate.
Gas Storage Water Heaters:
Thermann are one of only a very small group of manufacturers who offer a replacement gas storage water heater which will fit back into a wall cavity of houses which were typically built in the 1990’s. Space was and still is limited between boundaries today, so these types of water heaters were recessed into the wall approximately 150mm leaving enough room to still get a wheel barrow or garbage bin past it.
Today the most common size system in this range installed is the 135L, but in cases of high demand i.e. 5 to 6 occupants the 170L unit is recommended. The amount of water which these units store is typically doubled when trying to work out the mathematical equation of how much a system will produce in the first hour.
Heat Pump Technology:
Cooler climates such as the Adelaide Hills in the various suburbs of Crafers, Stirling, Mount Barker, Hahndorf, Bridge Water, Balhannah and Aldgate where access to natural gas is hard to come by and the owners do not want to use bottled gas (known as Propane or LPG) Heat Pump Technology is popular.
Heat Pumps are powered by electricity, but through the advanced technology of using the heat from the ambient air it quietly heats the water inside of a storage cylinder.
The Thermann range of heat pumps called “Thermann X Hybrid” comes in 2 sizes 220L and 300L to suit all situations. By using a heat pump, it cuts down on the cost of your electricity bill and in most cases, you will be eligible for government rebates known as STC’s up to $1,000 in value (subject to market pricing and terms/conditions) when first installed, speak too us for more details on how you could be eligible for cash back!
Commercial Options
High demand with larger volumes of hot water the Thermann range of commercial water heaters have you covered. When we look at establishments such as Boarding Schools, Hotels, Restaurants, Manufacturing, Hospitals, Dentists and Shopping Centres the demand for large volumes of hot water can be high during peak periods of operation.
To confidently supply large volumes of hot water for a long period of time the below options can be considered:
Thermann Commercial Continuous Flow Water Heaters
Providing optional 28 and 32 litres per minute of hot water these units use 25% thicker copper pipes and 20% thicker copper fins which allow the system to meet higher water use and flow rates. This range of heaters can be manifolded together from as little as 2 units up to 24 units providing a massive 768 litres per minute of hot water at the higher end of the scale. Another added benefit is also the option of using internally flued models which make them an ideal option to any plantroom where external mounted systems may not be possible for various reasons including aesthetically un appealing.
Multiple banks of Evacuated Tubes. Large scale projects can be paired with multiple banksof evacuated tube systems. As previously mentioned earlier in this article the evacuated tubes provide solar contribution to the heating of water and in large scale commercial and industrial set-ups any form of pre-heating from the sun is a welcomed addition to assisting in the reduction of utility bills.
Large Volume Storage Capacity.
When partnered with the continuous flow water heaters orevacuated tube systems the storage cylinders add the option of having large volumes of hot water on stand bye ranging from 60 degrees up to 82 degrees Celsius in temperature. When set-up correctly with a digital controller and circulating pumps, it ensures that the cylinders will constantly hold large volumes of heated water and will start to replenish the supply immediately upon a temperature differential being detected through the temperature probe inserted at the base of the storage cylinders.
Will My New Hot Water Service Be Covered By A Warranty?
Yes, your new water heater will have be covered under a manufacturer’s warranty. Depending on the product which you purchase some of the Thermann water heaters come with a 12-year warranty on the heat exchanger. Other systems such as Solar systems parts of this range are covered by a 15- year manufacturer’s warranty. When we look at the gas range of storage heaters they come with a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty on the cylinder.
It is important to note that to maintain a manufacturer’s warranty certain maintenance needs to be performed during the life of the product and all work including the initial install must be performed by a licensed plumber/gas fitter/electrician/hot water technician.
In S.A. you will find a handful of the suburbs such as Unley, Myrtle Bank, North Adelaide, Glenelg, Colonel Light Gardens and Norwood which have high in coming potable water pressure. It is crucial that when a new appliance is installed water pressure is checked and adjusted using a P.L.V. (pressure limiting valve) to ensure the warranty is not voided, another point a certified installer will always check.