Educational facilities such as child care centres, kindergartens, schools and universities can have complex hydraulic plumbing systems due to various requirements placed upon them by the age of people attending and the types of tasks which may be performed at these locations.
Mayfair Plumbing and Gasfitting are a preferred contractor for many educational facilities across South Australia due to our experience and knowledge we have built upon over our many years operating in the plumbing industry.
Ensuring that buildings are set up to various codes and standards is something that needs to be adhered to very tightly and something not many businesses are familiar with. Mayfair spend many hours per year in training and getting certified to allow us to work in Universities and School properties ensuring all plumbing specific components operate and are installed to the required guide lines.
What makes these facilities different?
Science Laboratories
These will have items called backflow prevention devices (high hazard rating RPZ) to protect the potable water from contamination via the non-potable water being used. Due to the chemicals in use safety of humans needs careful attention. Eye wash stations, safety wash down showers will be installed in the case of someone encountering chemicals and needing immediate cleansing. Gas will commonly be used for bunsen burners and in the case of an emergency such as a gas leak or fire to break out an electronic slam shut solenoid valve will be installed to enable the immediate termination of the gas to the laboratory.
Due to the type of waste being poured down the sinks from various tests and experiments it is a requirement of SA Water and the EPA to have this liquid pre-treated via settling tank prior to discharge into the main sewer system, this system is typically of 1,000L in capacity and will be installed externally to the building underground. Due to the chemicals being used the drainage pipes will also need to be installed in order to cope with whatever is placed into them. In most cases a black piping system called HDPE will be used, but in extreme cases glass pipe will also be installed. An example of glass drainage installed can be seen at the laboratories in the Women’s and Children’s Hospital on Kermode Street in North Adelaide, SA.
Child care centres, kindergartens and schools are educational facilities where younger aged people attend and are perhaps not aware of the dangers of hot water and how to avoid it. It is because of this fact it is a requirement that a device called a thermostatic mixing valve will be installed where water is delivered through hand basins, showers and bath tubs. A thermostatic mixing valve blends hot water with cold water in order to get the temperature back to a much safer level typically around 42 degrees Celsius this minimise the risk of scalding. It is a requirement that these valves be tested annually along with backflow prevention devices previously mentioned. The reason for the mandatory annual testing is to ensure the accuracy of the valves and servicing if required. The valve will be tested, and results submitted to the Office of Technical Regulator within 7 days.
Accessible Toilet Rooms
Educational facilities need to cater for all types of visitors they may have during the life of the building and one of these key aspects is an accessible toilet. These differ to that of a normal toilet room in that they allow for use of people with a wheel chair. The door way is wider, the hand basins are installed at a lower height with tapware which has longer levers for easy access, the toilet will have hand rails to enable a person to manoeuvre themselves onto the toilet and if the room happens to have a shower this will also have rails to enable ease of use and tapware set at appropriate heights according to AS1428. Ensuring these rooms are set up to the these very specific measurements and zones is not something many plumbing firms are familiar with and hence is only performed by company which is trained specifically in this area of work. As previously mentioned, a thermostatic mixing valve will also be installed to these rooms to eliminate the chances of scalding by these fixtures.
At Mayfair Plumbing we offer in house hydraulic design services for all new builds, renovations and alteration projects, programmed maintenance and reactive maintenance for all types of educational facilities across the state of South Australia. All our staff members hold current police clearances and are competent in adhering to task specific SWMS with the correct MSDS to accompany them. The company also offers and all hour’s service 7 days of the week for plumbing emergencies which could arises out of normal business operating times.