The flow on affects of Covid 19 across Australia has been huge and shortages on many day-to-day items is set to be a problem for the foreseeable future. New cars are at a minimum waiting time of 193 days from date of order and I’m sure this is going to grow as demand increases, building supplies such as insulation, gyprock, timber and tiles are currently at 2 month waiting times and plumbing supplies such as Rinnai continuous flow hot water services are not available at all in Adelaide, and Rinnai cannot tell us when they will be in stock in South Australia again!

continuous flow hot water diagram

What’s In Stock

Due to the recent news over the last couple of months we have made sure that our warehouse is stocked with all sized models of the Rheem continuous flow hot water services. We currently have a good stock levels of Rheem 16 litre units, Rheem 20 litre units, Rheem 26 litre units and Rheem 27 litre commercial systems in Adelaide ready for you to have them installed FAST!

Rheem hot water services are Australian made and a fantastic solution to any of your hot water requirements. Rheem offer in house service agents for any warranty repairs and have long warranty periods on their residential and commercial water heaters, offering great piece of mind.

If you previously had a Rinnai instant hot water service and it is no longer working, the Rheem is a fantastic compatible replacement, and the installation is quiet straight forward for a licensed Master Plumber. If you have temperature control pads installed these will have to be changed over but once again this is a straightforward job as the wiring stays the same and the temperature control just gets replaced.


The Rheem hot water services are also capable of replacing Bosch 10p, Bosch 13p, Bosch 16p and all the Bosch Hydro powered models of hot water services on the market in Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills of South Australia.

Rheem continuous flow water hot water services can also be used to replaced DUX water heaters, Thermann hot water services, AquaMax, Pyrox and Vulcan hot water services.

As a preferred hot water system installer across Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills of SA we offer competitive installation prices and, in most circumstances, we can have your water heater changed the same day. Mayfair Plumbing also offer “emergency plumbers” for situations where you need hot water repaired or replaced fast. We can also provide temporary water heater to be installed if required?

Ask us today how our Master Plumbers can assist you with a new Rheem continuous flow hot water service today! Call 0429361819 or email us on we will respond promptly to your hot water needs.

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