Going back approximately 15 years ago a new trend emerged in the plumbing scene across Adelaide and the world. It was the introduction of the pop-up spring-loaded waste plug.

Every new hand basin and bathtub had one installed, they were all the rage in bathroom renovations.  Like everything when its new everyone wants one and we don’t know how long they will last until the market has trialled them.

Fast Forward 15 Years

As time has progressed, we have all had a chance to trial the pop-up waste and as many people will report they have had their fair share of issues using this style of drain plug in there sinks and baths. You will see in our video below and example of what can be done and how to maintain the pop waste plug.

What Can Be Done?

As plumbers in Adelaide, we have had to deal with many stuck and stiff pop-up waste plugs and in some cases, we can manage to get the old spring mechanism out, but in others the corrosion level is too high, and the spring mechanism cannot be salvaged which means the entire plug and waste must be removed.

Removing the plug and waste in the basin is a hard task, but imagine trying to do it under a bathtub that has been tiled in? An absolutely disaster.

Preventative Maintenance

In our attached video you will see a few handy little tips will allow you to keep the spring- loaded mechanism lubricated and also how to remove the spring mechanism if you are gain to try this yourself?

Remember we are only a phone call away on 042361819 and we stock all the common parts to have your basin or bath waste fixed pronto.

Aaron Stewart

Aaron Stewart is the found and owner operated of Mayfair Plumbing & Gasfitting based in Adelaide, South Australia.

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